(Last updated: February 28, 2023)
This pattern was updated with the following adjustment.
Items in BOLD have been updated or added as follows:
Page 62, Right column, lower center:
All sizes begin slipped st band as follows:
(RS): K1, [p2, sl2wyif] rep bet brackets to last 3 st, p2, k1
(WS): P1, k2, [p2, k2] rep bet brackets to last st, p1
Page 63, left column, bottom:
Using a U.S. size 5/3.75 mm (40” [100 cm]) circular needle, pick up stitch around the front/neck (approximately 5 of every 6 stitches, to end with a multiple of 6 + 2) to begin slipped st front band as follows:
SLIPPED-STITCH FRONT (RS): K1, [p2, sl2wyif] rep bet brackets to last 3 st, p2, k1
(WS): P1, k2, [p2, k2] rep bet brackets to last st, p1