Please note the following corrections and clarifications to the first printing of Knit Shawls & Wraps in 1 Week.

Last updated: October 31, 2021

This pattern was updated with the following adjustment. 

Items in BOLD have been updated or added as follows:

Errata: Page 95, left column, Row 34, Row 35 and Row 41:

ROW 34 (WS): P1, yo, p to last st, yo, p1 (79 st).

ROW 35 (RS): K1, ktbl, k-yo-k, k to 3 st before m, k1, yo, k2tog, rem m, [k2togtbl, yo, (k1, yo) 5 times, k2tog] rep bet brackets to m, rem m, k2togtbl, yo, k1, k to last 3 st, k-yo-k, ktbl, k1 (111 st)— Remove markers as your work this row.

ROW 41 (RS): K1, ktbl, k-yo-k, pm, k1, [k2togtbl, k9, k2tog], rep bet brackets 8 times more (for a total of 9), k1, pm, k-yo-k, ktbl, k1 (Do not count st this row).

Photo Correction

Page 142

Photo is of Forager Cowl not Glacier Cowl, here is a picture of the Glacier Cowl.